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Windows 11 is Microsoft's newest major release of its operating system and the successor to Windows 10. The OS features an all-new simplified, yet modernized, interface and was designed to inspire productivity and creativity.
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Tag: Operating Software
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Descrizione del prodotto

Win 11 is MS's newest major release of its operating system and the successor to Win 10. The OS features an all-new simplified, yet modernized, interface and was designed to inspire productivity and creativity. 

In Win 11, the newly centered Start button uses the cloud and MS 365 to show recent files, no matter what platform or device they were being viewed on previously, including an Android or iOS device.
A new set of features to MS Win 11 will be the introduction of Snap Layouts, Snap Groups and Desktops. These offer a "powerful way to multitask and stay on top of what you need to get done," according to the MS's press release. With these Win 11 features, users can organize win and optimize screen real estate for a cleaner visual layout. Users can create and customize separate Desktops for each part of their life—like one for work and one for personal use. 
In Win 11, MS is integrating Chat from MS Teams into the taskbar so users can instantly connect via text, chat, voice or video with personal contacts regardless of which platform or device is being used across MS Win, Android or iOS. Through MS Teams, users can now instantly mute and unmute or start a presentation directly from the taskbar in the new OS.
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